Adult Learning Improvement Network
provides up-to-date bespoke consultancy support to education and training organisations to help them identify and overcome barriers to achieving high levels of performance.
The team of specialist and highly qualified experienced consultants, specialist coaches and both current and former inspectors working alongside Kerry Boffey, have expertise across all subject areas in all training contexts and are able to cover all sector areas and subjects in all contexts both within the UK and abroad.
Building the future workforce, pipelines for talent and maximising learners potential.
With years of experience our team of expert improvement advisors are all current or former inspectors, and inspection managers. With up-to-date knowledge of the education inspection framework and ESFA requirements our team can provide governance and oversight, quality improvement activities, coaching and mentoring, CPD carryout quality reviews and audit to ensure your organisation is delivering high quality programmes and maximising learners potential while minimising risk at inspection.

World-class technical training to ensure the young people of today can develop expertise and knowledge, experience and skills to excel in their chosen industry and career.
ALIN can help your team get ready for the introduction of T Levels. Our team have been working closely with 2020 providers and in an excellent position to support 2021 providers with curriculum design, content, work placements and maths & English.
We have been working with Awarding bodies behind the scenes mapping maths and English. We are also working with Gatsby foundation developing resources to support digital and construction T Levels.
Employer engagement & work placements
Employers are a critical success factor in planning and delivering a highly effective training and development programme. Caring about employers, understanding their needs and communicating with employers is critical to ensure their needs are met and students and learners can secure sustainable employment.
The ALIN team are highly experienced in all areas of employer engagement, with extensive research about employers wants and needs.
We have an in-depth and working knowledge of planning and delivering high quality work experience and supporting providers to secure and manage work experience.

study programmes, traineeships & pre-apprentice programmes
The future is in the hands of the young people today. By supporting students and leaners at the start of their career path or start of their journey into further education we will secure a bight, energetic and prosperous future for the economy and for our communities. The ALIN team understand young people and the importance of these programmes in being able to shape and support learners. We can help providers plan, curriculums, develop resources, deliver high quality programmes, manage programmes and fully evaluate their provision.
Leadership and Management
As former leaders and managers, inspectors and practitioners, the ALIN team understand and value the importance of good governance and exceptional leadership. Our team can support all areas of governance, leaders and managers. Delivering training, coaching and mentoring, we can help leaders and managers fully evaluate their provision, grow and improve quality to ensure they maximise potential and minimise risk.
ALIN deliver the future leaders programme designed specifically to identify and grow talent in your organisation.
Check and challenge – we provide a critical friend critique of your self-assessment and quality of provision – putting leaders and managers in the driving seat.